Home2019April 2019 - Asian Articulations


When people say the words “Asian massage parlor”, what do most people think of? Happy endings. Robert Kraft. Sex. In a way, this is our community’s own doing. I came to this country about a decade ago and learned that I had to do anything to survive. Us immigrants don’t understand the average American’s judgment of this. We pick up American hypocrisy and double standards really quickly. In fact, many Americans aren’t aware of their...


It’s so fashionable to blame white people now. Blaming white people is no longer “edgy”. It’s gotten to the point where defending them is kind of the new PoC radicalism. But I want to know something: why is it nearly universal that every white person I met or read in the news feel like they need to save something? This is why people of color are hesitant on sharing things; because PoC tend to view...


Andrew Yang wants to be your president and give you a free $1000 every month. Why every American hasn’t leapt up and spread his name around by now is partly because Yang has been running his campaign like a model minority. AKA, speak softly, hope to get noticed. I like Yang, and a lot of it started out solely because he is Asian, but after really hearing him out, I mostly like him now because...

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