Articles12 Reasons Why We Love HyuneeEats

I am sure you guys all love food! I mean people say “you should not live to eat, but eat to live.” However, HyuneeEats might change your mind on that with the beautiful way she displays food to entice your appetite as well as your eyes! BELOW ARE 12 REASONS WHY I LOVE HYUNEEEATS AND WHY YOU ALL SHOULD CHECK HER OUT AND BECOME A HYUNEEBEE TOO (: <3   1) Noodles, poke, sushi, kimchi...
Little Miss DonutsDecember 18, 2019408030 min

I am sure you guys all love food! I mean people say “you should not live to eat, but eat to live.” However, HyuneeEats might change your mind on that with the beautiful way she displays food to entice your appetite as well as your eyes!



1) Noodles, poke, sushi, kimchi fried rice

If you love Korean spicy noodles, poke (ESPECIALLY salmon!!!), sushi, or kimchi fried rice, you will LOVE HyuneeEats’s channel because there is NEVER a shortage of that.

I love slurping on noodles and the spicier they are, the happier I am eating them (well, my stomach and *ahem*, other end would like to disagree). However, despite not being as talented as Hyunee at keeping my spicy noodles down, Hyunee tries all kinds of spicy Korean noodles; for instance, the 2x Nuclear Fire noodles, Spicy Curry Fire noodle, 4x Spicy Mala noodles, 10x Nuclear Fire noodles, 2x Nuclear Fire Takis Noodles, Daebak Ghost Pepper noodles–you name it, she has most likely tried it, so you don’t have to burn your own mouth and behind eating them!

Most people who aren’t afraid of raw sushi will love poke and nothing makes me happier than ANY meal with salmon in it. On Hyunee’s channel, you sometimes get mixed poke bowls or a huge slab of raw salmon that you wish you were the one chewing on in her place. Whenever I want to savor a huge, juicy, fresh, creamy steak of salmon, I turn to none other than my best girl Hyunee. Just look at how appetizing that huge salmon is. I wish I could afford that large salmon to feast on! *drools*

I didn’t know how amazing kimchi fried rice would be until I tried it in real life at a place called Chan Chan in Irvine, California. Ever since then, I have never stopped being a loyal fan to that place. However, eating out all the time can rack up and I’m not a loaded rich person so instead I turn to my bae Hyunee to live vicariously through her.


2) Side dishes

I have to be honest. I initially did not like kimchi or yellow pickled radishes. Whenever my family and I dined out at soon tofu restaurants, when the waitresses and waiters brought out the kimchi as a side dish, I did not understand what was the craze. And the pickled yellow radishes in my kimbap weren’t of interest to me at all until…yes, you guessed it, my friends: Hyunee!!!

Her noodle videos reintroduced me to kimchi and yellow pickled radishes and hearing the crunching sound of those side dishes inspired me to retry those two dishes again. I fell in love with the softness of the kimchi leaves and enjoyed the crunch they added to the galbi dish I had at the soon tofu BCD restaurants. And I also began enjoying the pickled radishes in my kimbap and eating it with my kimchi fried rice and fried chicken wings too.

I never really minded ginger, but came to appreciate it more in Hyunee’s raw fish videos, such as when she eats it in her salmon sushi/sashimi videos. And if you haven’t checked out those videos, there is one where she dips a huge piece of salmon in a homemade dip she created: mayo, white onion slices, lemon, honey, and apple vinegar.

(Hyunee’s recipe (@14:05 minutes): 1 tablespoon of mayo, 1 tablespoon lemon (or less), 1 tablespoon of honey, onion slices after they were soaked in water, 1 table spoon or less of apple vinegar).

Mhmmm, sounds tasty in my head.


3) Quality of video and decorations in the background

I am pretty sure everybody LOVES a high-quality video with good lighting and nicely decorated background that is easy on the eyes. Well, you’re looking in the right place with HyuneeEats! Her videos are always professionally lighted and who doesn’t like a huge bear (or three) in the background watching you watch our talented YouTuber eat? She also displays fan art behind her and now records with her awesome “Perfect Amount of Spice” mug from her merchandise store right beside her!


4) Spice Queen

When I talked about spicy Korean noodles earlier, I said that our girl Hyunee is the best person to eat for you if you can’t handle spicy foods. She has earned the title of Spice Queen because she honestly can eat all the spicy noodles she has tried without breaking that much of a sweat..or die as badly as I would have if I had eaten any of those dangerous foods. She also has tried other wild spicy foods such as the World’s Hottest One chip, the Carolina Reaper spicy chicken sandwich (signing a waiver for it), and 6x Spicy Nuclear Fire Noodles. Those foods must tickle her taste buds while they set mine on actual fire! Jokes aside, those foods do challenge her and she has to eat sugar, white rice, or ice cream to cool her tongue down. Still, despite the pain, she’s still willing to try those challenges for her loyal fans.


5) Cute personality and friendly, positive attitude

Mukbang is translated as “eating broadcast” or “eating show” and nobody wants to watch someone boring be the host of an eating show. Hyunee won’t bore you though! With her cute, warm, funny, friendly, and sweet personality and conversation topics, she’ll never fail to have you engage with her life as well as the yummy food she has placed in front of the camera. She’s always positive and because I can imagine myself sharing a meal with her, she never fails to brighten my day with her delicious food, bright personality, and happy conversations. She’d definitely be a friend I’d be down to always hang out with for Food Adventures if we ever got to know each other in person!


6) Utensils

I get ecstatic when I get to enjoy food with cute and cool utensils. In her videos, Hyunee usually has huge chopsticks to eat her spicy noodles or to do her noodle challenges with. She also sometimes cooks with huge bowls and utensils as well and I don’t know why, but the sizes of her tools make me happy. One of my favorites are her long rounded wooden spoons that she chooses to eat her poke, kimchi fried rice, or slurp broth from in her soupy noodle videos. When she has huge dishes of food, she scoops a bit of it into smaller bowls or plates, such as small golden bowls and yes, even small plates that look like frisbee discs, too! I don’t know why, but seeing her eat with these various types of utensils and plates/dishes just make the eating experience and watching her do so even more fun!


7) Outfits

If you love fashion or anything that is adorable, you’re in the right place! Hyunee has awesome get-ups for special occasions such as her reindeer beanie for Christmas, heart-shaped glasses for Valentine’s, honey bee get-up for her Jollibee mukbang video, and many more interesting ones such as her unicorn makeup. You basically get a different host each time you watch her, one who has the same loving and cool personality (;


8) Stories and questions

One of the stories Hyunee has shared with us that has touched me the most was the one about her dad. She started out telling her viewers why she is always scared of answering the phone and usually prefers to text because she has received two traumatizing phone calls in her life. Of the two was the one from a nurse who told her about her father’s condition. Unfortunately, Hyunee lost her father. However, through sharing her food, she shares her love of her father with us and when I watched her tear up telling us this story, I couldn’t help but want to reach into the video and give her a hug. Please keep sharing your love for food with us, Hyunee! We love it and appreciate it and now I at least understand the deeper meaning behind her passion. Let’s keep your father’s spirit alive together, Hyunee! <3


9) Opening statement and logo

You know what gets me excited? A very funny, adorable, and catchy opening statement. Hyunee’s got a great one too! She starts every video with “Hello my hyunneebees, it’s your girl, Hyunee, and today I’ll be eating [insert food]. So let’s dig in because I am so hungryyyyyyy!”

I remember one video she featured her little hyuneebaby fans and they were so lovable when they tried mimicking her catchphrase. I enjoy watching her videos late at night after dinner, but also when I am folding clothes. In the middle of watching one of her videos, my brother would often walk by my room and hear Hyunee’s unique and famous logo squeal “Helloooooooooo” and know that I’m watching one of my favorite YouTubers again.

(What?! It’s cute, brother! Don’t judge me.)

And you know Hyunee is also saying good-bye at the end of the video when her logo says “bye bye” in that cute baby-voice-sounding giggle.


10) Her challenges

Hey, a girl who can take down huge food challenges is a girl I’d be down to be friends with. And if she can give someone like food competitor Matt Stonie a run for his money, all the better! Hyunee has done many types of challenges such as the 100 Chicken Nuggets in 10 minutes, the Hot Cheetos and Takis challenge, and my ultimate favorite: timed noodle challenges. (Hey, I just love noodles, okay?). And I am always behind anyone who has the ability to eat TWELVE Nuclear Fire noodles or FIVE packs of 4x Spicy Mala Fire noodles in under ten minutes! Hyunee just has a super power I wish I had! Of course sometimes she is not successful, yet it’s still exciting to watch her go for the goal.


11) Her creative inventions

Another reason I stick around with Hyunee is because sometimes she has some cool ways to eat something.

Take for example, one of her videos where she eats three different kinds of McDonald sandwiches with the buns replaced with Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts (what she calls “Donut Burgers“). She swears the sweetness from the doughnuts balances well with the saltiness from the fast food meat. I haven’t had the chance to try it, but I’d be down to one day and be one of the first in line to try it when I have the time or when McDonald’s or Krispy Kreme decide to pair up for that combo.

My mouth is drooling before I even write this. Two of my all time favorite dishes from Hyunee are her kimchi pasta and her fire noodles wrapped in kimchi. Because of her, my friends and I searched far and wide for a place that makes kimchi pasta. The creaminess of a rich alfredo sauce mixed with the sourness and spiciness of kimchi is a perfect blend of flavors! And again, I love kimchi because of her, so when she released a video where she had a bunch of spicy noodles wrapped in kimchi–the way it was wrapped, the color contrast, and just fantasizing about the flavor combinations, ugggghhhh I can only IMAGINE how heavenly it must taste! Cheers to my Mukbang Queen for making and sharing such beautiful, innovative, tasty-looking dishes!


12) Cheese

Melted Mozarella cheese on kimchi fried rice and on spicy noodles is so mouthwatering and tempting, I don’t think I can form words. So I’ll explain it in pictures and show you guys how delicious it is and why words just can’t capture or do it enough justice. Just scroll down and drool with me.

Hyunee also does ASMR videos, so check out her second channel HyuneeASMR to see more of her and if you prefer the focus to be more on eating sounds! Happy Eating, guys! Well, if you can’t actually eat by watching her, you’re at least eating with your eyes or ears if you check out her ASMR channel!

Original Source: This article is from the website “Talking With Donuts”. You can check out this article and more like it on the link below.
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Little Miss Donuts

Little Miss Donuts is a Vietnamese American who loves writing and talking about many topics about and around the world. Through her blog,, she wants to be able to engage with her readers in a way that makes them feel connected to her as if she is sitting right in front of them sharing a cup of tea, or perhaps a doughnut.

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