ArticlesCandice Owens is Wrong About Asians

A recent tweet by Candace Owens came up in a recent discussion. In it, she said: “If white privilege exists — why are Asian-Americans the most successful group in America? If we award people based on race, why are Asians the top-earners with [the] best credit and the highest educational achievements? It’s almost as if liberals are completely full of shit.” Here are my thoughts: Invoking racist stereotypes like the Model Minority Myth is bullshit...
K. ChenJune 16, 202077178 min

A recent tweet by Candace Owens came up in a recent discussion.

In it, she said:

“If white privilege exists — why are Asian-Americans the most successful group in America? If we award people based on race, why are Asians the top-earners with [the] best credit and the highest educational achievements? It’s almost as if liberals are completely full of shit.”

Here are my thoughts:

Invoking racist stereotypes like the Model Minority Myth is bullshit and Candice has some nerve. Asians aren’t the white power structure’s wedge group, and we’re for damn sure not the wedge group of some token traitor shilling for the white power structure. Yes, we too have been discriminated against, harassed, and cast out by polite society in the past too, but we also weren’t oppressed and treated as chattel for over 450 years.

For most Asians, we came here by choice and only our strong, our smart, our most cunning were able to do so and succeed. Those in Asia that likely would’ve failed never made the trip over. Comparatively, for the black community, generational white wealth was built on their free labor; much of what whites own were built by black hands. Then, the black community went underfunded and was corralled into pockets of urban blight or rural scarcity without the same access to quality social services, education or investment opportunity. To make matters worse, they were denied a voice by state legislatures and local law enforcement was sicced on them to maintain an oppressive power dynamic — something that still happens to this day.

Hell, I’d argue that part of the Asian community’s success is because the spotlight wasn’t on us nearly as much (ask any Asian in Australia or  New Zealand) and because the white power structure needs a convenient wedge group in order to keep the minorities divided and feuding amongst themselves. After all, the scariest thing for the owner class is for all minorities and whites in the middle and lower classes (i.e. the working class) to band together after collectively realizing how badly we’ve all been fucked for decades.

So, everyone, please don’t fall for this piece of shit’s bullshit.

She’s just mad because the black community doesn’t accept her, so she finds comfort and affirmation in the open arms of the white power structure. She’s happy to be their sword and shield, a tool, a lapdog and she seems totally content with that. We don’t need to play their bullshit games. For my fellow Asians, even if you feel you don’t have any skin in the black/white game, at least please make sure you’re not being used like a bitch by the status quo!

And don’t get me wrong, of course all minorities can be successful. I live and work with so many on a day-to-day basis, many more successful than me. Certainly, there’s no need to agree or even try to find common ground or search for any redeeming qualities in Candice Owens’ tweet. She is trying to hijack the Asian community’s success and dominance to turn it into a cudgel against other groups White Supremacy has fucked even harder for longer periods of time.

I’ve been despising the “Model Minority” label since the first time I had it used on me as a compliment. When I first heard it, my first thought was, “Who the fuck died and made you the judge of all races? We’re all on equal footing here! You’re not the judge of me. I belong here just as much as you do, and you can take your bullshit judgment and shove it up your ass!” Furthermore, I’m not calling anyone else here out as against any equality movement, but I won’t stand by to let that vapid piece of shit use me and my people as pawns in her perverted self-hatred games that benefit the white power structure.

Final thought: When the white power structure and their minority lapdogs like Candice asks: “If Asians can do it, why can’t everyone else?” Asians should be thinking: “No, fuck you. We did all this in spite of your racist bullshit! We will not be used!”

K. Chen

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